
Medical Professionals – ANZMOSS Recognised Post-fellowship Posts Bariatric Surgery

ANZMOSS Bariatric Fellowship Position Interest

Position statement on recommended minimum training standards for practice of safe bariatric surgery in Australia and New Zealand

With an increasing bariatric surgery workload across both public and private sectors in Australia and New Zealand, there is a need for a workforce of surgeons who have been appropriately trained to deliver both safe bariatric surgery and also appropriate perioperative multidisciplinary care. Such training is historically difficult to receive in Australia and New Zealand because of the low rates of surgery performed in the public sector. 

ANZMOSS would like to recognise, endorse and support suitable existing post-fellowship bariatric training positions. The desirable core requirement of endorsed positions would be access to a reasonable public bariatric surgery caseload and outpatient clinics. Positions will of course also possibly include any of the following: bariatric endoscopy, private bariatric assisting, benign or malignant UGI work, general surgery and on call. 

The intention is not to create a centralised application process, nor a formal training program, nor to compete with any existing post-fellowship training programs.

ANZMOSS will place details of all endorsed positions on our website. Recognition of posts will initially be for a period of 2 years.  After this period the positions will be reviewed.

Feedback on positions will be sought from appointed Fellows and ongoing recognition will be dependent upon satisfactory reports on: caseload, teaching, supervision and workplace conditions.

If you would like your unit to be considered for endorsement as an “ANZMOSS Bariatric Fellowship position”, please complete the below online form:

ANZMOSS Bariatric Fellowship Interest

ANZMOSS Bariatric surgical fellowship endorsement programme 2023

ANZMOSS Endorsed bariatric fellowship posts:


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Public Bariatrics


ANZMOSS Public Bariatric Surgery Initiative – “Access to All”.


Recommendations for Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents in Australia and New Zealand